Chakra Alignment Treatment Therapy
Service Description
Energetic alignment of chakra & meridian systems. What is chakra therapy: It’s based on the ancient Hindu and Buddist beliefs designed to promote health through the body’s seven major energy centres or chakras. Each of the major chakras is associated with a specific shape, sense organ, color, natural element, and deity. Many different cultures have studied the body’s energy centers for thousands of years, and chakra therapy will enhance your body’s energy and flow. Your healer will scan your energy fields with their hands to look for any imbalances or sensations. They’ll then choose healing techniques appropriate for your needs. They’ll reassess your energy fields at the end and then ground you (bring you back to an alert state). We use aromatherapy and crystals which corresponds to a specific energy point of the chakras while playing sound frequencies to aid in aligning the the meridians and chakra systems.
Contact Details
901 McHenry Avenue, Modesto, CA, USA
901 McHenry Avenue suite c, Modesto, CA, USA